Friday, April 8, 2016

Capital Punishment’s Altercation in Justice System

The Philippines has one the sluggish justice system in the unabridged world, for there are no strict punishment the government implements. The percentage of crime rate in The Philippines is decreasing but 37.63% rate is still high and dangerous. Schmooze about firm and to be irrevocable, capital punishment or death penalty is constantly voted in terms of punishment but the major problems of this capital punishment comes from questions like, what happens if guiltless people have been punished through death penalty, and what ensues if inhuman criminal have been caught up and justice was never served. Well, every good and bad has consequences. So let’s take an aspect about death penalty's altercation. 
The delineation of death penalty states that it is a system of punishment that involves executing a person after he or she has been found guilty of a crime by his or her legal system, to ensure that the individual cannot commit future crimes, and or as a deterrent for potential criminals. In The Philippines, death penalty was permitted on 1946, but it was suspended on June 24, 2006 through Republic Act No. 9346, which was signed by President Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo. However, Senator Tito Sotto is looking forward to bringing back death penalty that needs more attention, for establishing death penalty is not easy as one, two, three, it prerequisites a painstaking research and strong judiciary system. 
Death penalty cuts off the opportunity for the criminal to begin a new start. It purges the new life that awaits him or her after their realization and regret. Yesteryears, if a criminal has been found guilty of a crime, he or she will sentenced into death by electric chair. If this measure will be available in The Philippines, citizen will have something to be dread in committing crimes, for core reason why criminals can do a crime is they’re not afraid of facing consequences. Death penalty shows justice. If we punish the guilty, justice will given for the one who seeks it. For example, people who are crying for help and urging justice for the inhuman death of their family, friends or love ones. Justice is the way for them to be relieved. 
A crime that is serious must have a equal penalty which is death. It is not true that death penalty is the leading cause of death in other countries. In America, death cause by lightning strike is higher compared to the capital punishment. Killing Criminals can save more innocent people. Then a case could be made that “The existence of the death penalty is likely to save more lives than it takes, and that the lives saved are likely to be those of innocent people, for it is 100% effective in deterring executed murderers from repeating their crimes.” Idea thru Capital Punishment Pro group. 
Implementation of this capital punishment is no justice for other people, for innocent men are wrongly executed. It is also very wrong for Godly people through God’s scripture, Psalm 118:18 saying “The LORD has disciplined me severely, But He has not given me over to death” one of the 65 verses on the side of “no to capital punishment” perspective. 
Death penalty is like “an eye for an eye” death penalty will give happiness; sorrow and misery, for it will help reduce crime, drug and killing rates in a nation, because every human has a mentality of fearing death. But if you were an innocent man and have a death penalty waiting for you, it will become no justice at all. 
Think of it. If death penalty wouldn’t be issued now, there will be more criminals lurking in the dark. But if our government will issue it, make sure that they will make our judiciary system stronger, unbiased and accurate. Therefore, if this is the only way to clean the country by killing the wicked criminals, I will say that I am a pro. But, it is a long process to make it an equal way of punishment. There are more to be fixed and modify in our government judiciary system. The government must start it, step-by-step.

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