Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Beautiful Talent of Mine

When I was a child. I had a Christian album entitled Jubilee. Every morning I asked my grandfather to play it on our VCD player. I used to sing the song, synchronized to the lyrics that were flashing on the television. I am a 3 year - old at that time.

10 years had passed and at that time, I can say that I have a singing voice, but not so perfect and harmonious. When I'm recording my voice on a recorder and listen to it, It's unpleasant to hear, even though I can follow the notes properly.

I felt insecure to my brothers and my other classmates, for they have a very wonderful singing voice. Their breathing is so good and have been using a unique style that can attract listeners and causing goosebumps.

I often asked myself why my singing voice is ugly. I kept singing in the morning, I mobilized my breath, search Google how to improve singing voice, and more.

I kept recording my singing voice, but I still got disappointed.

A year later, I had joined different choir competition in our School. There, I met Brother Iman and Sir Calipayan. They had taught us different singing and breathing style. I've been doing what they'd taught to me, up to now.

I noticed that my voice got better. I recorded my voice and the improvement was there, I can hear it. I didn't stop having a "hmmm" every morning and doing little vibrato from my stomach.

At last. They'd given me an opportunity to perform on a bigger stage when there's a school festival.

Nowadays, I've been feeling a great positivity when I sing. Thanks to God that he had given me a beautiful talent. That I can use.

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